So I haven't written in a long time so here is a book we read awhile back that I found quite interesting.
Oedipus Tyrannus
This book was a greek tragedy and to me was very ironic and interesting. This style of reading was so much easier to read than the older stuff that we were reading like The Iliad. At the beginning of this story Oedipus ( the main character) Explains that there was something terrible that was going on in the city. A plague was going on and that plague was that nothing could reproduce. This meant that that plants could not grow, people and animals could not have babies, and other things like that. No one knew this was happening so they sent a man named Creon to ask Apollo what was happening. When he returned he came with the news that someone in the City had created a horrible murder. The murder of their old king Laius.
Later someone that people had considered a visionary had come to tell him who it was that committed the murder. The funny thing is that he was blind. (He was blind but could see everything) He told Oedipus that it was him that created the murder. Oedipus did not believe him because he didn't remember killing the king and didn't even know the king.
As the story went on things started to reveal and it turns out that he did kill the king. He was a bastard child and was on his way to the city from the city that he lived in to find his dad. On his way he killed an old man. That just so happened to be the king and....get this....his father. (What kind of fucked up shit is that!?!?!) So he showed up in the city and seemed like a hero so he inherited the thrown. He married the queen and she bore his children. (wait there is more irony) She was his mother. So he commited two horrible sins. Murder and Incest. Wow his life was pretty fucked if you ask me.
This whole story was just a huge twist of irony, and probably my favorite thing that we've read. I really enjoyed it.
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Simply Alesha
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